What is Gene

What is Gene? Genes are the units of heredity of living organisms. Physical form is a DNA sequence that becomes the password of a protein, polypeptide, or a strand of RNA that has a function to organisms that possess it.

Genes inherited by an individual to the offspring through a process of reproduction, together with DNA that carries it. Thus, information that maintains the integrity of form and function of an organism's life can be maintained.

In Eukaryote, gene structure consists of:  

  • Regulatory domains of transcription initiation, consisting among others of: chain  GCCACACCC, ATGCAAAT, GC box, CCAAT box and  TATA box.
  • Intron
  • Ekson, is an codification area of protein that can be transcribed in overlapping or non overlapping. 
  • End regulation domain transcription 

Gene expression is an process when information code in gen change become protein operating in cell.  Gene expression consists of two stages: 

  1. Transcription, this is process to make copying from RNA. 
  2. Translation, this is process synthetic polypeptide at specification in ribosome

Transcription process DNA become mRNA and translation mRNA becomes a polypeptide call central dogma. The central dogma applies to prokaryotes and eukaryotes. But, in eukaryotes have a additional happened between transcription and translation that call pre-mRNA. Pre-mRNA is a process to investigate mRNA at will be sent nucleus to be translation in ribosome.

Ekson is a mRNA at will be sent out form nucleus to translation, while intron is mRNA at will remain in nucleus place because that mRNA will make protein does not function in translation process. Intron will decompose back to make new mRNA chain. 

Source from: Wikipedia

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