
What is a Hormone? Hormones is a chemical substances naturally produced by the body. Once secreted, hormones will be supplied by the blood to various tissue cells and cause certain effects in accordance with their respective functions. Examples of the effect of hormones on the human body:
  1. Physical changes are marked by the growth of hair in certain areas and a distinctive body shape in men and women. 
  2. Psychological changes: feminine and masculine behavior, sensitivity, mood. 
  3. Reproductive System Changes: Maturation of reproductive organs, the production of sexual organs. 

Behind the impressive function, hormone sometimes be the culprit of many problems. For example, menstrual cycles are irregular or pimple that grows blindly in the face. Hormones also sometimes make us happy or even sad without cause.

Basically, hormones can be divided according to the composition of the ingredients are different as follows:
  • Hormone-containing amino acids (epinephrine, nor epinephrine, and thyroxine)
  • Hormone-containing lipids (testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen)
  • Hormone-containing proteins (insulin, vasopressin, growth hormone, FSH, LH, TSH)
Hormones can be made synthetically. Among these are the female hormones estrogen and progesterone made in pill form. This pill is the main form of contraception used by women worldwide to assist them in determining the right time: when to have children and spacing of each child.

Source from: Wikipedia

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